Author’s note: This is the tenth (and last) post of a ten-part series recapping and examining the birth story of my Itty Bitty. Birth is a beautiful experience, but some can find the contents of the topic a bit squeemish. In light of this, please note that these posts are neither too graphic, nor are more »
My Birth Story, Part 9: A Surprise Entrance
Author’s note: This is the ninth of a ten-part series recapping and examining the birth story of my Itty Bitty. Birth is a beautiful experience, but some can find the contents of the topic a bit squeemish. In light of this, please note that these posts are neither too graphic, nor are they full of more »
My Birth Story, Part 7: I Like My Eggs Served Sunny Side Up, Not My Baby
Author’s note: This is the seventh of a ten-part series recapping and examining the birth story of my Itty Bitty. Birth is a beautiful experience, but some can find the contents of the topic a bit squeemish. In light of this, please note that these posts are neither too graphic, nor are they full of more »
My Birth Story, Part 5: The Night of No Sleep
Author’s note: This is the fifth of a ten-part series recapping and examining the birth story of my Itty Bitty. Birth is a beautiful experience, but some can find the contents of the topic a bit squeemish. In light of this, please note that these posts are neither too graphic, nor are they full of more »
What Would Jack Bauer Do?: Reflections On Being A New Dad, Part 2 – Birthing Tips
God bless her heart, Mary chose to have a natural birth. So, if you’re wife wants to go the drugs route, then some of this post will apply to you. For all of you poor bastards whose wives plan on traveling the Thin Red Line of natural birth, I’m about to learn you somethin’ fierce. more »
We Finally Received Some Good News
After learning that our itty bitty baby had choroid plexus cysts, which may be soft markers or indicators of Downs Syndrome or Edwards Syndrome, we decided to get a level 2 ultrasound. I knew that I would do everything I could for this baby, and would not terminate the pregnancy no matter the results, but more »
A Possibility Of Down Syndrome Or Edwards Syndrome
Kicking, punching, and tons of moving was all my itty bitty baby wanted to do at that moment. It was as if it new that I was crying and overwhelmed by fear. My itty bitty baby wanted to let me know that everything was going to be alright. Receiving a phone call while driving can more »
Why I Have Certain Tests Done During My Pregnancy
Talking about tests during pregnancy can sometimes be taboo. Some friends and family choose not go have any extra tests done because they do not want to add any fear, and they also know that no matter the outcome, they will love and treat the child the same way. I decided to do many tests more »
Received bad news from my doctor
I don’t know how I was able to keep my cool, and drive, but somehow I managed to have a serious and scary conversation with my OBGYn about some issues with our recent ultrasound. The ultrasound was beautiful to me and Blake. Our itty-bitty baby was growing, and actually was starting to look like a more »