I have been sick and in bed for about three weeks now, and my most constant companions (aside from medicine and tissues) have been my furry family members. My two cats, Khaleesi and Sassenach, have been by my side through late night coughing fits, multiple fevers, and days where I’ve just needed to sleep my more »
I F*cking Hate Cats {guest post}

*Disclaimer: This guest post is written by Tall Dad. The following article is Rated R, and is not representative of Mary Larsen’s thoughts or values. She is not liable for the views expressed in the following commentary. Chances are, however, that if you’re reading this, regardless of your tastes, we probably have at least one more »
Adding To Our Family

Our family is about to get bigger. Christmas cards will have not just 3 Larsens, but 4. No – I’m not having another baby ::cough:: thank god ::cough:: I’ve had been going through a relatively tough time recently, and sometimes, painting my nails pink can’t fix the mood I’m in. That’s exactly what happened on more »