
Evil Queen Eye Makeup Tutorial

You may not know this, but our daughter Felicity’s middle name is Snow. Why? 1. First and foremost, because ***snow is my favorite!*** I’m part Christmas Elf. I love snowfalls, snowflakes, snowmen, snowball fights, and pretty much anything else to do with the white stuff. 2. I was pregnant with my daughter during the snowiest winter more »

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How The Movie Philomena Frightened Me

I never realized how scared I would become by being a parent. Chest seizing almost overwhelmingly scared that something could happen to my child. Last night I watched the movie Philomena, and it kept me up all night, and still haunts me this morning. Philomena isn’t a particularly scary movie. The “bad guys” in the more »

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Tall Mom’s Oscar Predictions – 2014!

Well, it’s Oscar season – a season that is an absolute favorite for Tall Dad and I.  We LOVE movies. We could literally sit down for hours and just watch the ENTIRE Dark Knight Trilogy, or do a Breaking Bad Marathon for the whole day.  That is, of course, if our Tiny Baby is being more »

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