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Day 4: Cranky due to blood work
Ugh. This was not a good moment. Posted with Blogsy
Blood Work And A Shot In My Butt

Not looking forward to today, in the slightest! Blood work, and my first RhoGAM shot. Yuck. How was your experience with the RhoGAM shot? How about the sugary drink? Posted with Blogsy
Day 3: Fleece blanket and socks for a cold night
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Day 2: The good kind of muffin top.
The cold winds have finally arrived in New England, and that means its time for some hearty chili. Like many, I believe chili needs its best friend – corn bread or corn muffins! Posted with Blogsy
Day 1: Merry and bright.
It may be New Years Day, but it is also the eighth day of Christmas. We keep our holiday decorations up through the twelfth day of Christmas, which is January 6th. Posted with Blogsy
Happy 2013!
My husband and I made a toast last night to our relationship. My pregnancy appropriate cranberry and sprite clanked against his fancy bourbon drink, and we giggled over the past five years spent together. Our resolution is to keep our itty bitty family strong, for all the years to come. While he slept in this more »
2013 Pic Of The Day
This next year will most certainly be a monumental one, so I’ve decided to document it with pictures. Things both big and small, in my life – or something I witness in someone else’s…all through a small photo. Posted with Blogsy
Pregnancy Acid Reflux- TUMS VS Chocolate Milkshake

The wretched all day burning in my throat, thanks to pregnancy induced acid reflux, has gotten out of control. I thought a delightfully cold chocolate milkshake would save the day. Boy, was I wrong! So, I did what any pregnant women would do nowadays, I turned to Facebook. One of my friends recommended that I more »
You're Putting That Needle WHERE?

Hey tiny baby, would you mind telling me your blood type? How about a kick on the left means your blood is positive, and a kick on the right means your blood is negative – like mine! Everyone’s blood is one of the four main types – A, B,O, or AB. Things get confusing because more »