I had to share this funny trending video with you this morning! Hopefully it will give you a good laugh 🙂
The Sydney Symphony challenged their Facebook fans to rewrite the opening chorus of Carmina Burana. Matthew Hodge’s winning lyrics, titled “An Ode To Sleep-Deprived Parents” took home the prize!
Granted, I’m only sleep deprived because I’m in my third trimester, and my tiny baby loves to dance around in my belly at night, but I feel like some of these lyrics will be all too true in the near future!
What did you think of the new lyrics? Any sleep deprived parents out there?
That's hilarious! I spent my day helping a family getting their baby to sleep better. All Mommys and Mommys to be can relate! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I just bit my tongue laughing so I wouldn't wake up Addie! I LOVE this. I am only sleep deprived because I write after she's asleep from 8:30-10, and then I shower and unwind (thankfully she sleeps through the night)- BUT I will have to share this with my friends who never sleep. I think it will make it funny for just a minute 🙂
Hilarious! I still remember these days, even though I'm long past early Mommyhood. What applies to me (exactly) now is, "Where are my apps?" with my grandkids' phone playing! Love it!