I love helpful baby products, especially ones that are from Rhode Island based companies! One of the biggest baby companies, Summer Infant – is also from The Ocean State.

I’ve already gushed about one of their favorite products – the SwaddleMe – and now Summer Infant has added another awesome product to their swaddle line – a WrapSack!
The WrapSack is similar to the SwaddleMe – your baby has the benefit of wearing the swaddle with their arms in, or arms out as a wearable blanket. If your baby is anything like mine – you’ll need to have those arms in for the first few months.
My Itty Bitty flailed away so much, I thought he was trying to fly!
But my favorite part about this product is the zipper! I don’t know about you, but my newborn tiny baby needed a diaper change almost every hour of the day. Those 3 am wakeups were sometimes torture…well for Tall Dad that is – who is the king of diaper duty!
The WrapSack makes diaperchanges a breeze. Just unzip the sack and find your tiny baby’s toes and bottom easily accesible! Just remember to have them in either just a diaper, or a snap onesie shirt. No full body zipper pajamas – or else you’ll have to undo the whole thing! Save yourself time and energy. Unzip, change diaper, and zip back up.

Ample room for those adorable toes and kicking feet!
The WrapSack also grows with your baby, which is incredibly convienent, especially because the little ones aren’t able to use blankets. With SwaddleMe produts – they get to WEAR the blanket.
Man, I wish they had adult sized WrapSacks. Honestly. My toes are always freezing at night. I might need to make a trip to Summer Infant’s office and chat with them about this brilliant idea 🙂
To learn more about SwaddleMe WrapSacks visit: http://www.summerinfant.com/nursery/swaddling-wearable-blankets/swaddleme-wrapsack-sta
Disclosure: I received a Summer’s Infant WrapSack for my consideration while writing this review. No additional compensation was received for this post. As always, you have my promise that all the opinions written above are 100% honest – and I will only recommend products or services that I feel are a benefit to you – my reader!
I'm with you on adult sized ones! 😉 I love the SwaddleMes–we used them for both boys and will be using them again for #3!
Make sure you get one of these – the zipper on the bottom makes a huge difference 🙂
LOVE the WrapSack! My grandkids have lived in these! I'm so so so excited to wrap our new grandbaby Brian in these as soon as he arrives!
Brian is going to be snug as a bug!!
Oh, man, I wish they had these when my 2yo was a baby! She was such a swaddler but always seemed to kick her way out of it 😉
These kids are going to be amazing soccer players 😉
OH MAN! These are way better for diaper changes than the ones we had for Addie… on the list for baby 2!
I know – such a brilliant idea. Makes me wish I created it 😉
I loved these when my son was little!
So much easier than the whole big swaddle !
I could have used that zipper back in the day – our oldest was wrapped like the tightest burrito around and the youngest refused to be restrained. The best stuff is out there for moms and kids now!
Makes you wonder what they will come up with in another couple of years, right?!