ParentCast is back with episode 14. Based on an article written by John Kinnear of, Tall Dad and I discuss the top five things parents need to stop saying to non-parents.
This episode was a lot fun because we brought in good non-parent friends Erik & Jim who took a lot of pleasure in turning the tables on us parents for once. We ask Jim & Erik to rate each phrase on a Hate Scale of 1-5. You’ll also learn why Blake thinks he’s married to Kevin Costner, why some people need to be condemned to a minivan for the rest of their lives, why there were special appearances by Penelope The One Upper, William Wallace of Braveheart fame, and Alvin & The Chipmunks, and why Mary spent the day in bed eating a pint of Phish Food while watching re-runs of Game Of Thrones.
A lot of the time, parents do say these things without really knowing it. Blake has a sudden realization midway through the episode that even he says most of these things. Whether we are cognizant of it or not, I don’t think we say it coming from a bad place in our hearts. Rather, it seems like we can’t help but talk about our major life change. Regardless, it’s good to know that there is a barrier that we shouldn’t cross sometimes and this is a major tool to help in that cause. Check it out!
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Remember, ParentCast is all about being informed, and having a Judgement Free Zone where we can all laugh at each other’s mistakes, misfortune, and celebrate our triumphs as parents. ParentCast is a forum for parents who don’t have any idea what they’re doing, or even for those who think they know what they’re doing, but they really don’t. Best part is, as always, it’s free, it’s funny, and it’s a lot better than therapy!