We visited a local blueberry farm (Four Town Farm in Seekonk, MA) this past weekend and had an absolute blast picking berries. I’m hoping to go back again this Saturday, since our stash is almost already devoured. Blueberries make the perfect summertime snack, but they also help jazz up pancakes, as you can see in the pictures below.
Our little lad couldn’t get enough of these delicious pancakes! It has become a new family ritual of ours to make a TON of pancakes every Sunday morning. Some days they are chocolate, other days they are covered with banana slices as Jack Johnson’s “Banana Pancakes
” plays through our speakers.
But this week, it was all about the deliciously fresh blueberries!
Our little lad has been asking for blueberry pancakes every morning since – and always with a big smile on his face!
Blueberry picking season is a short one – about a month or month in a half long – so if they are available in your area, get out there while you can!
Talk soon friends,