I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Carter’s. 
I received a complimentary gift card to facilitate my review and thank me for my participation.

As a teacher, I always loved the back to school season, especially because of the deals! Notebooks, pens, pencils and even storage containers are lower than they will ever be for the rest of the school year. I was never able to fully appreciate the sales on children’s clothing…that is..until two years ago when I had my first tiny baby! 

Now, with two kids in tow, I can fully drool over pages of kids clothing catalogs or websites. Adorable outfits jump from the pictures as I imagine them on my own son and daughter.

This year I’ve decided to be a part of the back to school action at Carter’s

I went inside my local store, wearing my baby girl, and honestly spent an hour and a half picking out different outfits for my two kids.

My newborn slept as I swayed back and forth throughout the aisles. Cute little girl ensembles with matching headbands, and dapper little boy sets began to fill my shopping bag. 

Sure, my own kids aren’t going back-to-school, but this time of year marks when all kids can get a fresh start after a relaxing summer – especially when it comes to their closets!

Carter’s has an extensive assortment of easy outfit sets and coordinated collections for babies and kids. They are a tried and true stylish brand that has great quality and value. 

And don’t forget their shoes!

You too can get your kids ready for fall by visiting carters.com for for great modern fall fashion and some wicked awesome deals! I know that there is a huge Labor Day Weekend Sale of 50% off Entire Store or More: 9/1 – 9/7.

And if you have older children – have no fear, because Carter’s now offers clothing up to Size 8 and shoes up to 3y!

You can learn more by visiting  Carter’s Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

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