Posted with Blogsy
Day 112: Wearing my Nuroo Pocket
Posted with Blogsy

One of the many traditions after having a new baby is sending birth announcements out to loved ones near and far. My mom vividly remembers filling out my announcements the night I was born. Nowadays, most parents wait a week or two to send these delightful letters out in the mail, because they want to more »
Infant Boston Baseball Cap Fail {vlog}

We wanted Itty Bitty to have a knitted Red Sox baseball cap, so we ordered one online. The result was nothing but comical. Have you ever ordered clothing online (for you or someone else) and been completely disappointed by the sizing?
How To Have A Perfect Newborn Photo Shoot

I finally got home from the hospital after giving birth. I was wearing an adult diaper, couldn’t sit on a chair unless there was an inflatable donut (special thanks to my awesome husband for going to CVS and grabbing it for me) , and my hormones had me crying over the fact that there were more »
Day 102: A Week's Worth Of Newborn Baby Diapers
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Tall Mom Had Her Tiny Baby

Sorry for the brief hiatus. Mid last week I noticed that my body was starting to give me some symbols that the times were-a-changin’, and boy were they! Photo credit: Erica Shea, of Blessed Beginnings How the week unfolded will be a seperate blog post, but I wanted to let you know that we welcomed more »
Day 96: Two Days After Learning How To Swaddle A Doll We Swaddled Our Son
Posted with Blogsy
Day 95: Our Tiny Baby Has Arrived
Changing Hospitals and Doctors During Pregnancy

Teenagers generally spend about two years researching and touring prospective colleges, hoping they find just the right fit. Drivers spend countless hours, days and months car shopping. They read web reviews, scour the internet for pictures, and go on several test drives. This got me thinking… Why do we spend so much time researching some more »