I’ve been an artist my whole life.
I was the lucky daughter of a sweet homemaker mother, with an encyclopedia for a vocabulary, and a freelance commercial and fine artist for a father. Our family adventures consisted of rope swings by the river, mud wrestling in the backyard, and the Richmond Art Museum.
Now we are all artists in one way or another. They are portrait artists, photographers, song writers, and graphic novelists.
In fact, my brother, Gibbs, and his wife actually own another etsy shop, Crowsmack, where he designs cute shirts and super awesome posters.
Now I am a mother of 3 beautiful children and one hurricane of a 2-year old! I’ve always made my house a prettier place by creating art all around my family in our home.
My favorite subject is my kids! They are so cute.
I love drawing children in their happiest times, in their “storybook” moments. We, as mothers, try to capture them on film on our phones and cameras, but I find greater joy in painting them – it gives the moment a more timeless feel.
My house is a crazy world of 6-year adorable Miss “Bossy-Pants”, Legos, light-saber battles, swim-team, church, laundry, and trying to make dinner while refereeing my kids!
I am very lucky to be a stay-at-home mom and I love it, but I also wanted to express my creativity through my art.
I guess I owe it all to my big brother Gibbs! We were true children of the 80’s and 90’s. Gibbs would wake us up at 6:00am on Saturdays for “The Muppet Show”!
Saturday morning cartoons were a religion at my house- from “Muppet Babies”, “Gummy Bears”, “He-Man” ,“X-Men” to “Transformers”, and “Rainbow Brite” we had the best cartoons! I could go on and on!
My brother stayed current on all of the new movies and comics coming out, so I of course knew all about it (which made me cool with the guys. Well, the geeky guys…). The original “Star Wars” trilogy and “Monty Python” were a regular at parties with friends!

My fiance, Dave, did his first of many amazing things by introducing me to “Harry Potter”! 🙂 I was engaged when I read the first book and read the next 4 within a few weeks.
We were the first at “Barnes and Nobles” on the release-dates of the newer books- (you could find us mowing all of the 8 and 9 year olds over on our way to the front of the line!) Anyways- as you can see I can go on and on. I am a fan. My husband and I geek out a little.
(SPOILER!! I am reading the 3rd “Harry Potter” book right now with my oldest daughter and Harry just found out Sirius Black was his Dad’s best friend! So fun to see her reaction to this stuff for the first time.)
Well, My husband, who is my biggest support and incredible help, works for a huge software company and asked me if I wanted to have a booth in their holiday “Arts and Craft” fair. I said to sign me up! Though I wasn’t sure what I was going to paint yet! 🙂
We thought about who our audience was there – a bunch of computer nerds!!! Perfect! Let’s do Star Wars! But, how about we make them cute little kids? The idea was born and my shop was made!
My first sketch was of “Baby Chewy”. When I put the watercolor on little Chewbacca, it was so adorable I had to keep going! “Boba Fett and R2-D2 have tea” was next.
My customers send me photos of their baby’s nurseries with my framed art up in their rooms. I am blown away.
It is such a special feeling to know that my paintings can make other people happy and brighten their day. That they want them in their child’s room. It is a precious thing.
It takes a lot of practice and patience to get the colors you want. I love how my pallet looks. I think it is a work of art in itself. After the watercolor is dry I usually go over a few parts in pen and white paint for highlighting. It’s kind of the icing on the cake for me.
Graphite cannot be reproduced and that is why artists use it to sign their work– because you can know that it is authentic!
I hope you have enjoyed this little peak into my little etsy shop! I am happy to keep creating geek, chic, whimsical, and sweet art for the family! Much love!
Now’s your chance to get your hands on 3 prints by Lenore! You must be 18 or older and a resident in the continental US to enter. One lucky winner will get 3 awesome prints. Just enter below. Good luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What a serious awesome product. I know a few parents who would love this.
I love the whimsical designs. I love the one with a broom on the trampoline. Very inspiring!
Oh her artwork is so cute! It is unique and something my kids would LOVE to have in their rooms.
Such a great job at capturing those storybook moments. I love the whimsy of the art!
I love her artwork!! I have never seen anything like that before!!
Her artwork is CUTE! Love the whimsical look.
SO cute! My kids would love the superhero pictures. She is very talented!
How pretty. I just love finding out about a new etsy shop!
I would love to see the 10th Doctor as a little tyke!
That's beautiful artwork. I just love all of them!
What gorgeous artwork!!! My boys would LOVE the captain america one!