Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Sharing the news that I was pregnant with my son was one of the highlights of my year as a cohost on The Rhode Show.
And then, when we found out we were pregnant with our second child, Tall Dad and I decided to share the news online via social media with a Harry Potter inspired Christmas Card.
Letting friends and loved ones know about our soon-to-be bundles of joy have been some of the most exciting things we have experienced in our marriage thus far.
We decided to find out the gender for both of our tiny babies and shared the news with friends and family.
With our first baby, I was able to share the news on air on The Rhode Show. I answered old wives tale questions, fellow cast and crew voted on what they thought I was having, and in the end I cut into my gender reveal cake – to find out that the inside was bright blue! I was having a boy!
I wanted to have a big gender reveal party for my second baby, but I’ve been too darn sick to plan anything! If I had been healthy and able, I probably would have made a fun announcement like one of the ideas in this infographic from Natera and Panorama– especially the handprint idea!
This time around, I didn’t do something creative and cute.
However, that doesn’t mean that my second baby won’t be cute!
Because, SHE is going to be stinkin’ adorable 🙂
We didn’t find out the gender of our babies until about 20 weeks, but with some tests now allow parents to learn things about their babies even sooner.
Tall Dad and I have chosen to have tests done because I have grown up with an sibling who is both severely mentally and physically handicapped, and I believe that knowledge is power. I wanted and want to be able to prepare for anything that my child may need. We learned a great deal through the process, and to me as a pregnant mother, knowledge was power.
Panorama is a DNA screening test that can tell parents important information about their pregnancy. They can find out if baby is at risk for having Down Syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities.
Panorama can also tell parents the gender of their baby!
Non-invasive and highly accurate, Panorama has the lowest false positive
rate of any prenatal screening test for the commonly screened chromosomal
abnormalities, trisomies 21, 18 and 13. And, Panorama can be done as early
as nine weeks into pregnancy using a simple blood draw.
The Panorama screening test is a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT). This
means that the Panorama test is safe for you and your baby. To have the test done, your doctor just draws a sample of blood from
your arm. Fathers have the option of sending in a cheek swab sample with your
blood. Including the father’s sample may improve the chance of obtaining
results of the test in certain circumstances, but does not impact accuracy.
If you have
concerns, you should talk with your healthcare professional. He or she will
advise you as to what tests you might want to have to help give you peace of
mind. Screening tests, including ultrasounds and
blood tests, are non-invasive ways of obtaining more information about the risk
of certain conditions in the baby without a risk of miscarriage.Click here if you’d like to find a Panorama Provider
We did a cake filled with M&ms for our last one. It was fun, although the disappointment on our daughter's face when she realized she was getting a 6th brother was also pretty fun.
Wow, these are incredible ideas my friend. Thank you very much for this wonderful post. Well, my sister is also expecting a baby and I want to host very special baby shower at some beautiful LA venues. Could you please suggest some theme ideas dear?
The harry potter one is cute. People really get creative with those.
These are all really cute ideas. I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan, so that's the one I'd pick. However, I think any of them are great choices.
I was so uncreative in telling my husband for all of my pregnancies! I wrapped the pee stick and when he opened it, he had no idea what it meant!
I love your announcement- it was SO cute~ And congratulations on your baby GIRL!!!! How exciting! Lots of love to you!!!!!
Awe, too cute! I am TTC, so I will have to remember some of these ideas.
I love all of the gender reveals now a days. Wish I did something fun like that for my babies.
We did a cake filled with M&ms for our last one. It was fun, although the disappointment on our daughter's face when she realized she was getting a 6th brother was also pretty fun.
We were not creative at all with our reveals. Most of the family was already in the room for the ultrasounds! These are great ideas!
There are so many creative ideas out there1 Sometimes I fell I wouldn't be able to come up with anything more creative than this
Oh so cute. I never did anything excited to tell anyone. I just hey guess what we are having another one.
What touching ways to share. You are so creative with how it can be done.
WE did balloons with my second and send the pictures to daddy who was deployed. Love the Harry potter announcement.
Ohh, I love these! Especially the Harry Potter one!
Wow, these are incredible ideas my friend. Thank you very much for this wonderful post. Well, my sister is also expecting a baby and I want to host very special baby shower at some beautiful LA venues. Could you please suggest some theme ideas dear?