I’m starting a new weekly video series called Sunday Shares, where I will share with you a different reason about why I LOVE what I do!  Watch the full video below to learn more.

After becoming a mother, I really had a difficult time figuring out who I was. I no longer was the confident, upbeat person who I used to be, but instead felt small, saddened, and lost.

I’ve decided to take life by the horns this year, and in addition to making healthier choices, getting our finances in order, and being more present with my family, I have also started a new journey with an amazing company that is all about Empowering and Uplifting other women. Younique.

If you or someone you night, might be interested in learning ore about joining our company and my team, please feel free to visit THIS LINK, or contact me on Facebook here.

As always, friends, I wish you nothing but joy and love!

Have a wonderful day,
