Some parents love having the secret of their baby’s gender unveiled at birth, but my husband said waiting 5 months had been enough of a secret, and that he wanted to know! Being a host on The Rhode Show has allowed me to share many things with our viewers, so I decided to share this big news with our loved ones through the help of a camera, crew, and special guests.
Lifestyle expert, Ken Macarrone, talked about the many different ways you can make your baby’s gender into a big party!
One idea that I loved was for guests to wear pink or blue shirts as their “vote.” They could base their guesses on old wives tales and myths, or they just pick based on their own predictions. Who needs Team Edward or Team Jacob? The real question is are you Team Pink or Team Blue?
Or, you can take a picture of your baby ‘s most recent ultrasound (my itty bitty baby is pictured above) and ask your guests to cast votes after looking at that photo. Make sure the answer can’t be clearly seen from the ultrasound — we chose one where it was the head and belly. Your friends and family can also leave a cute note based upon their guess – like “GIRL – get ready to listen over and over again to the latest teen pop sensation in 11 years!”
I can’t wait until a friend of mine is pregnant so I can help her plan a gender reveal party!