must haves

What Is A Birth Doula?

Birth is the most simple and, yet, complicated ordeal a woman can endure. Egg is inseminated with sperm, baby grows, and the kid comes out. Easy, right? Wrong. There is so much that goes on with being pregnant. Leaving what happens to our bodies during pregnancy aside, all the choices, baby crap to buy, and more »

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Maternity Support Belt {review}

This tiny baby doesn’t feel so tiny anymore. He feels ginormous! Well, at least my uterus feels that big. The only time I don’t feel huge is when I am in the water. I’ve caught myself several times actually using my hands to prop up my belly, trying to relieve some of the weight. It’s more »

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The Cloth Diapering Debacle

Our tiny baby will be joining us soon, and there are a few items that need to be in our possession before his arrival: A place to sleep – check A food source – check A car seat – check Diapers… Ugh oh We have been trying to figure out if we should use with more »

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How To Throw A Breakfast For Dinner Party

We held our third annual Breakfast for Dinner Party this weekend. It was originally scheduled for February, but a blizzard got in the way. Damn you, Nemo. Oddly enough, our Breakfast for Dinner Party finds it’s origins in a major snow storm we had three years ago. We had people over one night and coincidentally more »

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Premama Prenatal Vitamin {review}

All pregnant women know this, and if they don’t, well, consider yourself schooled: One of the most important things a pregnant woman needs to do is take prenatal vitamins. My doctor recommended that I start taking prenatal vitamins daily before I was pregnant – to make sure my body had all of the nutrients I more »

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Every Night I Cheat On My Husband

I adore my husband. Honestly, I really do. Our love is pretty unique and we seem to have an understanding of each other that is beyond words. It’s pretty great. I mean, we’re not Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams in The Notebook here, ( btw, I still can’t tell if that whole pond scene with more »

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Saying See You Soon To Some Clothing

It’s official, I have a bump. My belly isn’t a cute beach ball, and if you didn’t know me you may just think I was squishy, but to me and my friends – I now look pregnant. I was able to get away with wearing my favorite pairs of jeans and skirts for sometime, especially more »

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