Dear Itty Bitty, I think Tall Dad is starting to get sick of my singing. I, along with the rest of the world, have been obsessed with singing along to the soundtrack of FROZEN the movie. My favorite song is a tie between Love is an Open Door and Fixer Upper. You have been treated, daily, to a private FROZEN concert by yours truly. So, once the movie was available on DVD, I scooped it up, along with a couple of books for your cousins, and we made a baby appropriate FROZEN themed sensory bottle to go along with the excitement.
So why all of this hub-bub about a Disney movie?
Well, spoiler alert, the main theme of the movie is true love….true love which is actually shared by a family.
Love from family members can conquer all sorts of challenges and trials, and that’s why I’ve decided to write you this letter. I want you to know that Tall Dad and I will always be there for you.
As I said earlier, one of my favorite songs from Disney’s FROZEN is called Fixer Upper. Here are some of the lyrics:
I loved this song the moment I heard it – because of those lyrics! It’s true, we all make mistakes. We all have bad days, wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or just have a round of bad luck.
What can change a bad day into a great one is love. This couldn’t be more true. I’ve had some tough days recently, and Dada has been by my side the entire time – showering me with love. I’ve been there for him too when the situation has been flipped.
We will be there for you. When you make bad choices, when you’re mad or scared or stressed. We will always be there, to throw a TON of love your way.
We love you Itty Bitty,
Tall Mom aka Mumma
How To Make A FROZEN themed winter sensory bottle:
1. Pick up a copy of FROZEN the movie to watch for inspiration! Being the frugal Tall Mom that I am, I picked up the FROZEN DVD at Walmart for only $14.96 (it’s $2 off the regular price!) You can also get a specially marked box of Eggo Waffles and save yourself five additional dollars! I picked up a couple #FROZENFun books that I’ll be sending to my nieces in Florida. They wish for snow – so I’ll send some in a book 🙂
2. You’ll need a water bottle, water, some fun beads, pom poms, glitter or any other small object you can find that reminds you of winter.
3. Place the objects into the water, and possibly hot glue or super glue the cap shut. This way your baby won’t be able to open it.
Awww, that is such a sweet letter! And I love the sensory bottle! #client
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