One of my favorite memories from growing up was delving into my Easter basket. My parents always made it a fun mix of little toys, arts and crafts, and of course – candy. My baby is only a year old, so I’m not too keen on giving him a ton of sugar. I will, however, be giving him one super cool (and super inexpensive) Easter Basket! Here are some ideas for an Easter Basket for a Baby!
1. Bubbles – what kid doesn’t love bubbles?
2. Pacifiers – one can never have enough! Maybe get a cute spring themed Wubbanub, like the WubbaNub Lamb
– Adorable!
3. Hats – your baby will most likely be outside a lot now that it’s springtime. Why not cover their precious face from the sun with a cute spring hat?
4. Headbands – cute and cheap: what more could a new parent ask for?
5. Bibs – aside from his super super newborn days, my kid has lived in a bib. He drools like a Saint Bernard. Cute Easter Bibs are a must!
6. Easter outfit – or you can but your toddler an adorable Easter outfit. I’m cheap…and just am sticking to a bib.
7. Books – springtime books are lining bookstore shelves. Farm animals, baby animals, flowers – you name it! Maybe you can even get a baby Easter themed book. I picked up this one
because it’s touch and feel. And it was $4
8. Stuffed Animal – my baby may not be getting a chocolate bunny, but I might get him a cute and cuddly stuffed bunny.
9. Bath toys – baby ducks are just super cute and scream springtime. Stock up on a few and sprinkle them in the basket. I’d suggest finding ones that do not squirt – because squirt bath toys often get moldy inside. Yuck.
10. Music – buy or make your little one a new CD or mp3 mix. If you’re really trying to be frugal, just throw on some different music on Pandora during the day and take some time to dance with your baby 🙂
11. Ball – babies LOVE balls! Plus, they come in all different sizes. Find one that fits your baskets, and watch your baby have a ball. Get it!
12. Snacks – is your little one eating solids? Maybe pack up some puffs inside Easter eggs. If your baby is eating purées, stick a couple of their favorite flavored pouches in the basket. Colorful and useful!
13. Egg music shakers – or purchase (or make) some musical egg shakers. They are Itty Bitty’s favorite instrument besides his drum.
14. Cars – not a real one. A toy one.
15. Socks – any reason to buy more socks is a good reason to me. I always seem to lose them!
16. Sandals or shoes – baby shoes are expensive. I don’t believe in baby shoes until the little one is standing and walking – but now that Itty Bitty is at that age, I need to get him some footwear.
17. Lots of lovin! – above all, your baby or toddler isn’t really going to remember what you gave them for Easter. So my biggest suggestion to you is to give them extra loving, take tons of pictures, and enjoy your time together. You’ll all be able to look back on those photographs for years to come!
What was your favorite thing to find in your Easter Baskets when you grew up?
Love this. We choose no candy and did stickers, pinwheel, watering can and an activity book. Simple, celebratory and sugar free!
Oooo a watering can and pinwheel are awesome ideas!!
Such great ideas! Balls were always a favorite of ours. We always went for the ones with holes in them which made for easy play. Hope you had a great Easter!
yes — those balls are so easy to work with! Good call – my father in law actually gave Rhys one of those in his basket 🙂
Hope yours was fantastic as well, Carla!
Building baskets is so much fun for little ones! These are great ideas – we loved our Wubanub when Syd was a babe.
We needed a new wubbanub – our others have gotten a bit old 😉