My Easy and Fun Snack of April Showers Bring May Flowers Rice Krispies Treats  – which just so happens to be perfect for an April or May baby shower or bridal shower – has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone. #KreateMyHappy #CollectiveBias
I am so incredibly happy that spring is finally starting to appear here in Rhode Island! The birds have been outside singing their songs, and the crocuses are popping out on lawns all around our neighborhood. This spring is going to be extra special for our family because we will be welcoming our second baby into the family! I’ve been putting my enthusiasm to good use by getting the nursery ready, and also getting myself mentally ready, as well as giving myself the occasional fun treat.
Tall Dad and I are signed up for a refresher birth course, and I’ve begun listening to my Hypnobabies tracks again – reminding me that pregnancy and birth are special times in my life.
In addition to getting the house and myself ready, I’ve been treating myself a bit more recently. I have a pedicure planned later this week, have been taking daily naps in the later afternoon, and even bought myself a new maternity dress.
My maternal instincts have been kicking in, and I’ve been spending more time being creative in the kitchen as well.

Now I must warn you, I am not a fancy shamcy chef – but I do enjoy being creative in my kitchen. I especially love decorating sweets! So I came up with an idea of spring themed Rice Krispies Treats – which could be perfect for a baby or wedding shower! These treats are super cute and incredibly easy to prepare!
I introduce to you – 

My April Showers Bring May Flowers Rice Krispies Kreation !
Baby Shower or Bridal Shower Rice Krispies Treat Snack

  • Rice Krispies Treats
  • M&Ms – preferably the Easter Colors, but regular will do
  • Jet Puffed Mini Marshmallows
  • Frosting of your choice (I went for strawberry!)
Cut Rice Krispies Treats into several large square shapes – these will serve as the base for your flowers and clouds. I made 6 flowers and 3 clouds, but you can make more or less based upon your party needs. Cut some more Rice Krispies Treats into several tiny square shapes – these will serve as the base for your raindrops.
Frost all of the Rice Krispies Treat squares with your frosting of choice.
Arrange Jet Puffed Mini Marshmallows on a few of your frosted Rice Krispies Treats so that they look like clouds.
Place 1 blue M&M or Peanut M&M on each small square, for rain drops.
Baby Shower or Bridal Shower Rice Krispies Treat Snack
Decorate the rest of your frosted square Rice Krispies treats to look like flowers! Have fun mixing up the color combinations.
Place finished treats on a platter with the clouds up top, raindrops below, and flowers on the bottom.
Baby Shower or Bridal Shower Rice Krispies Treat Snack
Baby Shower or Bridal Shower Rice Krispies Treat Snack
I love working with Rice Krispies Treats because they are so easy and yummy! You really get to be creative – without slaving away in the kitchen. 
There is actually a super fun Rice Krispies Treat contest going on right now! Just search your favorite social media site for the hashtag #RKTreatSweeps – and cast your vote! You can find more information by clicking here.

Between family and guests, we gobbled these fun treats up in no time, but I think I’ll be making them for upcoming baby showers or wedding showers – since it totally fits the theme!

What’s your go-to super easy fun snack to make?

Talk soon friends,
Don’t forget – you can pick up Rice Krispies Treats in pretty much any local market or store that carries snacks- I picked mine up at CVS! Now get out there and start creating some masterpieces 🙂