After seeing countless gorgeous selfies with women of all ages, and eye colors rocking the Be Loved Bundle from Younique, I could not WAIT to get my hands on the new eyeshadows. It includes an exclusive pressed shadow palette and crease brush. Best of all, it comes with your choice of any lip bonbon. And if you suffer from dry or chapped lips, lip bonbons are a MUST.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again — using proper eyeshadow tools can make or break your eyeshadow look. And that’s one of the reasons that I am so pumped about the Be Loved Bundle, because it comes with an essential tool – the crease brush. This brush helps your colors be precise and deep to create smokey eyes, sparkly, or really any look you need!
I’ve seen this palette used on ladies with all different types of eye colors and ages, and each look has been just as brilliantly lovely. I compliment the look by filling in my lips with Plush Lip Liner and top it off with the Raspberry Cheesecake Lip Bonbon. Finally, the last step is my all time favorite item — Epic Mascara!
To see how I achieve this eyeshadow look, watch the video tutorial below.
Be Loved Bundle Video Tutorial:
See? Wasn’t that incredibly easy? The trick my friends, is using proper tools and blending. when all else fails, blend baby blend!
I hope you find a way to Treat Yo’ Self this Valentine’s Day. Do you have any special plans?
Talk soon, friends!
Check out my shop, by clicking here.
Find the February Be Loved Bundle, here.
See other posts with the following Minute With Mary products pictured:
Be Loved Bundle
EPIC Mascara
Plush Lip Liner
Raspberry Cheesecake BonBon